Declan Hayes
March 8, 2025
© Photo: Public domain

Trump has called this war correctly as the terrible waste in human and other resources that it is and the only ones, who profit from this carnage, are von der Leyen, Starmer, Zelensky and the American Democrats they answer to.

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Reports that Ukraine’s property prices have rebounded following Zelensky’s recent Oval Office kerfuffle signify nothing more than a dead cat bounce, unless a lasting peace can be established in the territories now known as Ukraine. This article argues, based on recent statements by British Prime Minister Starmer, EU boss Ursula von der Leyen and Ukrainian President Zelensky, that the only way to achieve that just and lasting piece is for Ukraine to cede territories to Russia in the east and south east, and to Poland, Romania and Hungary in the west.

In addition to leveraging the pronouncements of those three stooges to arrive at that conclusion, one must note that this latest war of the Ukrainian succession is, like so many others, a consequence of the 1914-45 European civil war, and the dissolution of the Soviet Union, whose former leaders, Lenin and Khrushchev, helped cobble this false Ukrainian entity together. When I add to that that there has always been the very grimiest of fascistic undertones to Ukrainian nationalism, in my eyes at least, Ukraine’s shelf life is up and it has to go.

British warlord Sir Keir Starmer does not see things that way. He is on record as stating that pumping more British (and Irish) weapons into Ukraine is great as it will create jobs in both England and Ireland. But Starmer, who is obviously not the sharpest knife in the drawer, is guilty once again, this time of the fallacy of the broken window, which argues that swords, not ploughshares, bring lasting prosperity.

Whereas Starmer falls foul of the broken window fallacy, the far more toxic Ursula von der Leyen falls foul of what I will call the Arabs’ Gaza fallacy, where the Arab League argues that pumping $53 billion into the Gaza exclave will put things to rights. No, it will not for the simple reason that Israel will again reduce their handiwork to rubble whenever the fancy takes them.

In finance, it is important to first decide on the project before deciding on how the project will be funded. Because she is a corrupt and thick as a brick one card trick merchant von der Leyen, who has been given ultimate control of the EU’s vast finances, thinks that the answer to all life’s problems is for her to write a cheque and take appropriate selfies. In the case of Ukraine, that is not the solution because, firstly, her imperious decisions exclude Russia and, secondly, she has not a clue what she is talking about not only with regard to Ukraine but with regard to creating a European Army by, you guessed it, writing a cheque for a whopping €800 bn.

Though von der Leyen is the epitome of the old adage that you cannot buy experience, her plans for Ukraine are the proof of it. The EU’s plan for the recovery of Ukraine, which comes with the obligatory selfie of von der Leyen, is big at calling Russia names and slapping itself on the back but very small on concrete suggestions, which consist mostly of “promoting green reforms, as well as green reconstruction and modernisation of Ukraine” and purchasing “school buses to bring Ukrainian children safely to school. The Commission has also launched an EU-wide campaign to donate school buses for Ukraine, channelled through the EU Civil Protection Mechanism”.

As if that was not stupid enough, this idiot tells us that “the Commission will work with Ukraine to ensure the country’s seamless access to the single market, empowering Ukraine to make the most of its potential, help accelerate growth and create opportunities”. All vague pie in the sky, except insofar as it continues to erode the economic well being of Polish and Romanian farmers.

Though that evil woman really gets my goat, the only positive thing I can say in her favour is that she reminds me of Hugh MacDiarmid’s excellent In the Children’s Hospital, which comes with an apt quote from the equally great war poet Siegfred Sassoon. I think of those poets as I was just looking at the photo of a young and pretty female Estonian fascist volunteer who got both of her arms blown off, but who at least has the consolation that von der Leyen, much like the Princess in MacDiarmid’s poem, will be scamming school buses throughout Europe for Zelensky to sell on the black market.

Zelensky, what can we say about this fraudster except that he wants the gravy train to last forever? Here he is in full flight at the Rebuild Ukraine International Conference: “The recovery of Ukraine becomes the largest economic project in Europe of our time… It is already estimated at hundreds of billions of dollars. And with the needs to make a modernization of the Ukrainian infrastructure considering the security assistance we speak about more than a trillion USD… Infrastructure funds will find a large number of projects in the airports and in the construction of new roads and bridges. Real estate funds will receive a market with hundreds of millions of square meters of new housing, offices, logistic and industrial parks. Banks and financial institutions can enter the huge market of lending for all these projects in Ukraine. Insurance companies can make new insurance offers considering the specifics of our region and our risks.”

So Zelensky and his cronies speak in telephone numbers and you can get a piece of the action if you throw a trillion dollars into the pot. But there is no concrete talk of what they will actually do with your trillion dollars. What specifically will they make and who will they sell it to? Silence, omertá as our Italian friends say.

Compare and contrast that with Japan after they had to endure the unendurable in 1945. Yamaha, to take but one famous example, switched from making pretty good machine guns to making pretty good guitars and Mitsubishi switched from making tanks to making bicycles for export and all with the help of the Japanese government, which husbanded its scarce foreign reserves like a mother hen does its chicklets.

Having given the children the floor, now let’s see what the adults have to say. POTUS Trump (real estate magnate) and VPOTUS Vance (venture capitalist) have both stated they want a return on their investment not only for themselves but for their stakeholders, the American people. If there is a hole in their argument, I cannot see it, even if Zelensky and his sort feel they are entitled to a permanently free lunch.

But Trump and Vance are not alone. As well as crews like The World Bank, outfits like the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) have painted a very bleak economic picture of Ukraine which the idiot Zelensky, cursing Vance in his native Russian language, goes nowhere to ameliorate. The CFR point out that the war has accelerated Ukraine’s pre-existing demographic decline, which was evident from the dissolution of the Soviet Union; that, as money is famously a coward, there will be little private investment in Ukraine until the economic outlook is far brighter and more certain; and that the West has no solid or viable plan to rebuild Ukraine.

Although the CFR accurately describes Ukraine’s predicament, its solution is not that different in essence from that of von der Leyen’s cronies. My alternative proposition is to divide the bigger Ukrainian problem and Ukraine itself into more manageable parts, say a Russian enclave stretching along the Black Sea to Transnistria, as well as Hungarian, Romanian and Polish enclaves, with the right of Ukrainians to choose to move to one or other of those enclaves or, should they choose, to remain within the rump Reich which would be centred on Kiev and which would have to paddle its own canoe for a change.

The Russians, for their part, could strike mining deals with the Chinese and the Americans and the European Union could funnel funds into the areas ceded to Romania, Poland and Hungary, with the rump Ukrainians having a more manageable piece of real estate to deal with, perhaps with the help of Starmer, and Zelensky going back to his day job as a moderately successful comedian.

Whatever faults that plan might have, it would be much more palatable to Trump and Vance than what Zelensky, who is little more than Salome in drag, presented to them. Whatever his other faults, Trump has called this war correctly as the terrible waste in human and other resources that it is and the only ones, who profit from this carnage, are von der Leyen, Starmer, Zelensky and the American Democrats they answer to. It is time for the adults in the room to tell them that the party is over and that they will have to sink or swim under their own steam from here on in.

Zelensky has lost the war and must lose the peace as well

Trump has called this war correctly as the terrible waste in human and other resources that it is and the only ones, who profit from this carnage, are von der Leyen, Starmer, Zelensky and the American Democrats they answer to.

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Reports that Ukraine’s property prices have rebounded following Zelensky’s recent Oval Office kerfuffle signify nothing more than a dead cat bounce, unless a lasting peace can be established in the territories now known as Ukraine. This article argues, based on recent statements by British Prime Minister Starmer, EU boss Ursula von der Leyen and Ukrainian President Zelensky, that the only way to achieve that just and lasting piece is for Ukraine to cede territories to Russia in the east and south east, and to Poland, Romania and Hungary in the west.

In addition to leveraging the pronouncements of those three stooges to arrive at that conclusion, one must note that this latest war of the Ukrainian succession is, like so many others, a consequence of the 1914-45 European civil war, and the dissolution of the Soviet Union, whose former leaders, Lenin and Khrushchev, helped cobble this false Ukrainian entity together. When I add to that that there has always been the very grimiest of fascistic undertones to Ukrainian nationalism, in my eyes at least, Ukraine’s shelf life is up and it has to go.

British warlord Sir Keir Starmer does not see things that way. He is on record as stating that pumping more British (and Irish) weapons into Ukraine is great as it will create jobs in both England and Ireland. But Starmer, who is obviously not the sharpest knife in the drawer, is guilty once again, this time of the fallacy of the broken window, which argues that swords, not ploughshares, bring lasting prosperity.

Whereas Starmer falls foul of the broken window fallacy, the far more toxic Ursula von der Leyen falls foul of what I will call the Arabs’ Gaza fallacy, where the Arab League argues that pumping $53 billion into the Gaza exclave will put things to rights. No, it will not for the simple reason that Israel will again reduce their handiwork to rubble whenever the fancy takes them.

In finance, it is important to first decide on the project before deciding on how the project will be funded. Because she is a corrupt and thick as a brick one card trick merchant von der Leyen, who has been given ultimate control of the EU’s vast finances, thinks that the answer to all life’s problems is for her to write a cheque and take appropriate selfies. In the case of Ukraine, that is not the solution because, firstly, her imperious decisions exclude Russia and, secondly, she has not a clue what she is talking about not only with regard to Ukraine but with regard to creating a European Army by, you guessed it, writing a cheque for a whopping €800 bn.

Though von der Leyen is the epitome of the old adage that you cannot buy experience, her plans for Ukraine are the proof of it. The EU’s plan for the recovery of Ukraine, which comes with the obligatory selfie of von der Leyen, is big at calling Russia names and slapping itself on the back but very small on concrete suggestions, which consist mostly of “promoting green reforms, as well as green reconstruction and modernisation of Ukraine” and purchasing “school buses to bring Ukrainian children safely to school. The Commission has also launched an EU-wide campaign to donate school buses for Ukraine, channelled through the EU Civil Protection Mechanism”.

As if that was not stupid enough, this idiot tells us that “the Commission will work with Ukraine to ensure the country’s seamless access to the single market, empowering Ukraine to make the most of its potential, help accelerate growth and create opportunities”. All vague pie in the sky, except insofar as it continues to erode the economic well being of Polish and Romanian farmers.

Though that evil woman really gets my goat, the only positive thing I can say in her favour is that she reminds me of Hugh MacDiarmid’s excellent In the Children’s Hospital, which comes with an apt quote from the equally great war poet Siegfred Sassoon. I think of those poets as I was just looking at the photo of a young and pretty female Estonian fascist volunteer who got both of her arms blown off, but who at least has the consolation that von der Leyen, much like the Princess in MacDiarmid’s poem, will be scamming school buses throughout Europe for Zelensky to sell on the black market.

Zelensky, what can we say about this fraudster except that he wants the gravy train to last forever? Here he is in full flight at the Rebuild Ukraine International Conference: “The recovery of Ukraine becomes the largest economic project in Europe of our time… It is already estimated at hundreds of billions of dollars. And with the needs to make a modernization of the Ukrainian infrastructure considering the security assistance we speak about more than a trillion USD… Infrastructure funds will find a large number of projects in the airports and in the construction of new roads and bridges. Real estate funds will receive a market with hundreds of millions of square meters of new housing, offices, logistic and industrial parks. Banks and financial institutions can enter the huge market of lending for all these projects in Ukraine. Insurance companies can make new insurance offers considering the specifics of our region and our risks.”

So Zelensky and his cronies speak in telephone numbers and you can get a piece of the action if you throw a trillion dollars into the pot. But there is no concrete talk of what they will actually do with your trillion dollars. What specifically will they make and who will they sell it to? Silence, omertá as our Italian friends say.

Compare and contrast that with Japan after they had to endure the unendurable in 1945. Yamaha, to take but one famous example, switched from making pretty good machine guns to making pretty good guitars and Mitsubishi switched from making tanks to making bicycles for export and all with the help of the Japanese government, which husbanded its scarce foreign reserves like a mother hen does its chicklets.

Having given the children the floor, now let’s see what the adults have to say. POTUS Trump (real estate magnate) and VPOTUS Vance (venture capitalist) have both stated they want a return on their investment not only for themselves but for their stakeholders, the American people. If there is a hole in their argument, I cannot see it, even if Zelensky and his sort feel they are entitled to a permanently free lunch.

But Trump and Vance are not alone. As well as crews like The World Bank, outfits like the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) have painted a very bleak economic picture of Ukraine which the idiot Zelensky, cursing Vance in his native Russian language, goes nowhere to ameliorate. The CFR point out that the war has accelerated Ukraine’s pre-existing demographic decline, which was evident from the dissolution of the Soviet Union; that, as money is famously a coward, there will be little private investment in Ukraine until the economic outlook is far brighter and more certain; and that the West has no solid or viable plan to rebuild Ukraine.

Although the CFR accurately describes Ukraine’s predicament, its solution is not that different in essence from that of von der Leyen’s cronies. My alternative proposition is to divide the bigger Ukrainian problem and Ukraine itself into more manageable parts, say a Russian enclave stretching along the Black Sea to Transnistria, as well as Hungarian, Romanian and Polish enclaves, with the right of Ukrainians to choose to move to one or other of those enclaves or, should they choose, to remain within the rump Reich which would be centred on Kiev and which would have to paddle its own canoe for a change.

The Russians, for their part, could strike mining deals with the Chinese and the Americans and the European Union could funnel funds into the areas ceded to Romania, Poland and Hungary, with the rump Ukrainians having a more manageable piece of real estate to deal with, perhaps with the help of Starmer, and Zelensky going back to his day job as a moderately successful comedian.

Whatever faults that plan might have, it would be much more palatable to Trump and Vance than what Zelensky, who is little more than Salome in drag, presented to them. Whatever his other faults, Trump has called this war correctly as the terrible waste in human and other resources that it is and the only ones, who profit from this carnage, are von der Leyen, Starmer, Zelensky and the American Democrats they answer to. It is time for the adults in the room to tell them that the party is over and that they will have to sink or swim under their own steam from here on in.

Trump has called this war correctly as the terrible waste in human and other resources that it is and the only ones, who profit from this carnage, are von der Leyen, Starmer, Zelensky and the American Democrats they answer to.

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Reports that Ukraine’s property prices have rebounded following Zelensky’s recent Oval Office kerfuffle signify nothing more than a dead cat bounce, unless a lasting peace can be established in the territories now known as Ukraine. This article argues, based on recent statements by British Prime Minister Starmer, EU boss Ursula von der Leyen and Ukrainian President Zelensky, that the only way to achieve that just and lasting piece is for Ukraine to cede territories to Russia in the east and south east, and to Poland, Romania and Hungary in the west.

In addition to leveraging the pronouncements of those three stooges to arrive at that conclusion, one must note that this latest war of the Ukrainian succession is, like so many others, a consequence of the 1914-45 European civil war, and the dissolution of the Soviet Union, whose former leaders, Lenin and Khrushchev, helped cobble this false Ukrainian entity together. When I add to that that there has always been the very grimiest of fascistic undertones to Ukrainian nationalism, in my eyes at least, Ukraine’s shelf life is up and it has to go.

British warlord Sir Keir Starmer does not see things that way. He is on record as stating that pumping more British (and Irish) weapons into Ukraine is great as it will create jobs in both England and Ireland. But Starmer, who is obviously not the sharpest knife in the drawer, is guilty once again, this time of the fallacy of the broken window, which argues that swords, not ploughshares, bring lasting prosperity.

Whereas Starmer falls foul of the broken window fallacy, the far more toxic Ursula von der Leyen falls foul of what I will call the Arabs’ Gaza fallacy, where the Arab League argues that pumping $53 billion into the Gaza exclave will put things to rights. No, it will not for the simple reason that Israel will again reduce their handiwork to rubble whenever the fancy takes them.

In finance, it is important to first decide on the project before deciding on how the project will be funded. Because she is a corrupt and thick as a brick one card trick merchant von der Leyen, who has been given ultimate control of the EU’s vast finances, thinks that the answer to all life’s problems is for her to write a cheque and take appropriate selfies. In the case of Ukraine, that is not the solution because, firstly, her imperious decisions exclude Russia and, secondly, she has not a clue what she is talking about not only with regard to Ukraine but with regard to creating a European Army by, you guessed it, writing a cheque for a whopping €800 bn.

Though von der Leyen is the epitome of the old adage that you cannot buy experience, her plans for Ukraine are the proof of it. The EU’s plan for the recovery of Ukraine, which comes with the obligatory selfie of von der Leyen, is big at calling Russia names and slapping itself on the back but very small on concrete suggestions, which consist mostly of “promoting green reforms, as well as green reconstruction and modernisation of Ukraine” and purchasing “school buses to bring Ukrainian children safely to school. The Commission has also launched an EU-wide campaign to donate school buses for Ukraine, channelled through the EU Civil Protection Mechanism”.

As if that was not stupid enough, this idiot tells us that “the Commission will work with Ukraine to ensure the country’s seamless access to the single market, empowering Ukraine to make the most of its potential, help accelerate growth and create opportunities”. All vague pie in the sky, except insofar as it continues to erode the economic well being of Polish and Romanian farmers.

Though that evil woman really gets my goat, the only positive thing I can say in her favour is that she reminds me of Hugh MacDiarmid’s excellent In the Children’s Hospital, which comes with an apt quote from the equally great war poet Siegfred Sassoon. I think of those poets as I was just looking at the photo of a young and pretty female Estonian fascist volunteer who got both of her arms blown off, but who at least has the consolation that von der Leyen, much like the Princess in MacDiarmid’s poem, will be scamming school buses throughout Europe for Zelensky to sell on the black market.

Zelensky, what can we say about this fraudster except that he wants the gravy train to last forever? Here he is in full flight at the Rebuild Ukraine International Conference: “The recovery of Ukraine becomes the largest economic project in Europe of our time… It is already estimated at hundreds of billions of dollars. And with the needs to make a modernization of the Ukrainian infrastructure considering the security assistance we speak about more than a trillion USD… Infrastructure funds will find a large number of projects in the airports and in the construction of new roads and bridges. Real estate funds will receive a market with hundreds of millions of square meters of new housing, offices, logistic and industrial parks. Banks and financial institutions can enter the huge market of lending for all these projects in Ukraine. Insurance companies can make new insurance offers considering the specifics of our region and our risks.”

So Zelensky and his cronies speak in telephone numbers and you can get a piece of the action if you throw a trillion dollars into the pot. But there is no concrete talk of what they will actually do with your trillion dollars. What specifically will they make and who will they sell it to? Silence, omertá as our Italian friends say.

Compare and contrast that with Japan after they had to endure the unendurable in 1945. Yamaha, to take but one famous example, switched from making pretty good machine guns to making pretty good guitars and Mitsubishi switched from making tanks to making bicycles for export and all with the help of the Japanese government, which husbanded its scarce foreign reserves like a mother hen does its chicklets.

Having given the children the floor, now let’s see what the adults have to say. POTUS Trump (real estate magnate) and VPOTUS Vance (venture capitalist) have both stated they want a return on their investment not only for themselves but for their stakeholders, the American people. If there is a hole in their argument, I cannot see it, even if Zelensky and his sort feel they are entitled to a permanently free lunch.

But Trump and Vance are not alone. As well as crews like The World Bank, outfits like the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) have painted a very bleak economic picture of Ukraine which the idiot Zelensky, cursing Vance in his native Russian language, goes nowhere to ameliorate. The CFR point out that the war has accelerated Ukraine’s pre-existing demographic decline, which was evident from the dissolution of the Soviet Union; that, as money is famously a coward, there will be little private investment in Ukraine until the economic outlook is far brighter and more certain; and that the West has no solid or viable plan to rebuild Ukraine.

Although the CFR accurately describes Ukraine’s predicament, its solution is not that different in essence from that of von der Leyen’s cronies. My alternative proposition is to divide the bigger Ukrainian problem and Ukraine itself into more manageable parts, say a Russian enclave stretching along the Black Sea to Transnistria, as well as Hungarian, Romanian and Polish enclaves, with the right of Ukrainians to choose to move to one or other of those enclaves or, should they choose, to remain within the rump Reich which would be centred on Kiev and which would have to paddle its own canoe for a change.

The Russians, for their part, could strike mining deals with the Chinese and the Americans and the European Union could funnel funds into the areas ceded to Romania, Poland and Hungary, with the rump Ukrainians having a more manageable piece of real estate to deal with, perhaps with the help of Starmer, and Zelensky going back to his day job as a moderately successful comedian.

Whatever faults that plan might have, it would be much more palatable to Trump and Vance than what Zelensky, who is little more than Salome in drag, presented to them. Whatever his other faults, Trump has called this war correctly as the terrible waste in human and other resources that it is and the only ones, who profit from this carnage, are von der Leyen, Starmer, Zelensky and the American Democrats they answer to. It is time for the adults in the room to tell them that the party is over and that they will have to sink or swim under their own steam from here on in.

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.

See also

March 9, 2025

See also

March 9, 2025
The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.